Exercise properly.

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Exercise , no matter what form it is, can build strength in the body. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many body systems. Including the heart, blood circulation. including the immune system Exercise may help increase the distribution of white blood cells and antibodies (Antibodies) or immune substances in the body. When the distribution of white blood cells increases. It may help find the infection sooner and show symptoms sooner. Therefore, you may receive treatment in a timely manner. Additionally, it is believed that the body temperature that increases while exercising may help prevent the growth of germs within the body. Similar to the body’s mechanism when having a fever. But these beliefs are just theories. ทางเข้า ufabet  That have not yet been conclusively established regarding the relationship between exercise and disease prevention.

Also, exercise Especially cardio (Cardio) will help control weight and burn excess fat that may be the cause of illness. Including a weakened immune system. This is because research results indicate that high blood lipids contribute to abnormal immune function and inflammation in the body. which people with congenital diseases such as heart disease, obesity, insulin resistance Autoimmune Disease and infectious diseases that cause inflammation such as COVID-19 Symptoms can be more severe if there is too much fat.

Therefore, may help the body to be stronger and more resistant to germs. Therefore we should exercise regularly. You may start with activities that you can do at home, such as running on a treadmill, yoga, weight training, and body weight training. or exercise according to videos in online media But you should exercise properly and not overdo it to prevent injury.