Dry skin is mostly caused by environmental factors. Including some diseases that can affect dry skin. The causes of dry skin that may occur are as follows for your body:
- Weather conditions: is most common during the winter or dry weather, when the temperature and humidity fluctuate rapidly.
- air conditioner People who have to work in air-conditioned rooms for long periods of time often find that they have dry skin.
- Soak in hot water or take a hot shower. If done for a long time, it can make the skin dry.
- Harsh soaps and detergents Often destroys the moisture in the skin. Because of the formula and ingredients that remove oil from the skin.ทางเข้า ufabet
- Other causes include people with dermatitis or skin allergies and psoriasis. They all tend to cause.
Additionally, can be a side effect of certain diseases such as jaundice , diabetes , and kidney disease, among others.

Dry skin treatments and tips.
Is a small matter that you can easily find a way to treat for the better by yourself with the following tips.
Eat foods high in omega-3 because it is an essential fatty acid. That helps strengthen the skin’s natural oil barrier. Foods rich in omega-3 include salmon, sardines, walnuts, and safflower oil.
Consume adequate amounts of vitamin C from eating fruits and vegetables. Because vitamin C is part of the collagen creation process. Collagen is a protein that is an important component of the skin.
Oils or lotions with vitamin E can help reduce inflammation and increase the skin’s defenses.
Be careful not to let your body lack vitamin A. Because vitamin A deficiency can cause severe. It can be easily prevented by eating fruits and vegetables. Such as oranges, carrots, and papaya, which are rich in alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin. The body converts these substances into vitamin A and uses them when needed.