Good Vaccines,For adults and the elderly

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The immune system in people’s bodies deteriorates over time, especially for adults or the elderly whose immunity decreases as their physical condition deteriorates. causing the body to become infected and sick more easily than in young people.
One important thing to help adults or the elderly. Having increased immunity and being far from various diseases is good. Vaccines for adults and the elderly because if adults or the elderly are infected with various diseases There may be severe symptoms or other complications that may cause the severity of the disease to increase and become life-threatening. Strengthening a good immune system is therefore very important and necessary.

Important vaccines for the elderly 

Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis vaccine

Tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough are bacterial infections that are highly prevalent among the elderly today. Each disease has an impact on the body and can be dangerous to the point of death. Each disease will UFABET have details as follows.

  • Tetanus occurs when germs enter a wound in the body. Then it damages the nervous system and brain, causing spasms or stiff jaws. 
  • Diphtheria affects breathing. People with severe symptoms may be at risk for heart problems or brain damage. 
  • Whooping cough is a respiratory infection. This can result in severe breathing and coughing problems. There is also a risk of complications.

The guidelines for vaccination against these diseases for the elderly are: Start with 1 dose of the combined tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine (Tdap). Then, get a tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine every 10 years to stimulate the body’s immune system.

Influenza vaccine

Influenza is a seasonal viral infection that causes moderate to severe symptoms within a few days of infection, such as stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever, body aches, fatigue, tremors, headache or chest discomfort. This is different from the common cold, where symptoms appear slowly. Elderly patients may be at risk for worsening symptoms and serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. and may be life threatening. If not treated in a timely manner 

Therefore, vaccinating the elderly for influenza on an annual basis, once per year, is a much-needed means of continuous influenza prevention. Which, in addition to helping relieve symptoms from various strains of influenza, also helps reduce the spread of infection to others.

Pneumonia vaccine

Streptococcus pneumonia bacterial infection (Streptococcus Pneumoniae) is one cause of infections in the elderly such as pneumonia and meningitis. and bloodstream infections This can be severe to the point of brain damage or death, especially the elderly who are at higher risk than other age groups. 

As for vaccines to prevent this disease, there are currently 2 types: the 13-strain pneumonia vaccine (PCV13) and the 23-strain type (PPSV23). The choice is up to the doctor’s discretion, such as in the case of never receiving the vaccine. Before starting the first injection with type PVC13, after 1 year, the next injection will be with type PPSV23, etc. However, if you have a severe illness such as a high fever or a hot body temperature, you should wait to recover first before receiving the injection. Vaccine Because it may have negative effects on the body.

Shingles vaccine
Recommended for people aged 50 years and over to reduce the incidence of shingles. And can help reduce the severity of shingles symptoms. However, people who have had chickenpox are at risk of developing shingles. And the older you get, the more likely you are to get it. This is because the body’s immunity will decrease. The incidence of shingles is approximately 30 percent in the general population. and will increase to 50 percent in people aged 85 and over.

Vaccination of adults and the elderly is no less important than vaccination during childhood. Because the immune system In a body that weakens with age This makes it easy to get infected and have a high chance of getting sick.
Vaccines will help build good immunity for the body. It is preventative care and can also help reduce the severity of some diseases.